According to a recent study, two huge black holes will combine in 10,000 years, causing tremors throughout the cosmos.
Two massive black holes, nearly 9 billion light-years out in deep space, are rotating around each other every two years, according to research led by a team of CalTech astronomers.
The mass of each of the supermassive black holes is hundreds of millions of times that of our sun.
Furthermore, at just 1,950 astronomical units distant, the two bodies are rather near (about 50 times more than the distance between our Sun and Pluto)
In around 10,000 years, the two objects will collide in a collision so powerful that it will cause gravitational waves.
The report was published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters on Wednesday and is titled The Unanticipated Phenomenology of the Blazar PKS 2131–021: A Unique Supermassive Black Hole Binary Candidate.
Although galaxy mergers are widespread, the authors claim that "there are extremely rare cases of two galaxies with supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in their nucleus being spotted in the actual process of merging."
The two entities were discovered in an energy-dense phenomenon called a quasar, which is an extremely brilliant and active galactic center fueled by a supermassive black hole.
According to CalTech, certain quasars' supermassive black holes send a jet out at almost the speed of light; in this new research, the quasar, named PKS 2131-021, belongs to a subclass of quasars known as blazars, and its jet is aimed at our planet.
PKS 2131-021, which has been studied for almost 45 years, is now the second known quasar containing a pair of supermassive black holes on the verge of merging, according to the researchers.
OJ 287 is the first known quasar, and it has two black holes that are further away and orbit each other every nine years.
So, what happens when two supermassive black holes collide?
When galaxies collide, their black holes are often pushed in towards the center of the new merged galaxy, eventually forming a larger black hole.
As the black holes merge, their tremendous forces cause gravitational waves, which damage the fabric of the cosmos.
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